Day care for children
In the Republic of Moldova the educational system is protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, Law of Education and all governmental decisions. Nowadays, the graduates get two types of diplomas: one type for fulfilling the curriculum and the License examination, and a second type, if, in addition, they write a License Diploma paper.
The Ministry of Education defines its strategic objective for higher education as "the integration into the European common space for higher education and active participation in its architecture". In 2005 Moldova signed the commitment to implement the Bologna process agreements.
The higher education is divided into:
- Higher education into an undergraduate cycle of 3–4 years
- Master cycle of 1-2 year
- Ph.D studies up to 3-4 years;
- Postdoctoral studies up to 2 years;
The detailed information on childcare you can find on the following link: